just want to thank God for helping me write, and the opportunity to share.

                    I thought you'd catch me
                          so I jumped.

I thought you'd stop me
 so I ran.
I thought you'd beat me
 so I hid.
I thought you had forgotten
 so I cried.
I thought you'd never come
 so I left.
I thought you'd never known,
 I wrote it down.

I thought too much
 about everything.
I considered everything...

I asked all the questions
 man ever asked
I ignored the answers
 that ever gave hope.

I burned with desire.
 I baked stone bread.
I fumbled the keys by day.
 I returned to my filth.

Then you caught me.
 Then you came.
I write it down.
 I hope now.


copywrite 2001 cf.escue, all rights reserved

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